In the Dark

McKenzie Smith

Sometimes it is dark. 

It is Dense and Deep and Dark

But I don’t mind.

It is warm and peaceful in the dark.

I don’t need to worry because I cannot see.

I do not worry about the monsters that lurk under the bed

Or if what I am wearing matches everyone else

I can’t see them in the Dark.

Sometimes it is dark.

It is Dim and Dull and Dark

But I don’t mind.

Beautiful music plays in the dark

A full orchestra no one can see.

I doodle on my test with colored pencils

And I write creative essays My Way.

Ones that would not get As,

But no one can grade me

They can’t see them in the Dark.

Sometimes it is dark.

It is Divine and Dazed and Dark

But I don’t mind.

It smell like a perfect spring day

And it tastes like delicious foods.

I can lay under a blooming cherry tree all day.

There is no work or chores or school to rush too,

No one can find me in the dark. 

Sometimes it is dark

But when day comes and my alarm goes off,

I open my eyes, 

My mother calls for me,

And the bus takes me too school,

It is no longer dark.