Laughter and cheer roar as many Hempfield students gather around. A live DJ is heard playing, and there is even cool lighting! If you think that this sounds like a blast, then get ready for this Friday, February 7th because this is the Sadies Formal.
As Valentine’s Day approaches, the season of love, whether that be with a significant other or your closest friends, so does the formal.
The formal is to be held on this Friday, February 7th, 2025. Though, the formal is a bit different because girls are now asking guys out which is huge!
Typically, the guy will go and ask a girl out, and after asking a couple girls at Hempfield, I discovered that many enjoy it when it is the guy asking them and not vice versa. One student states, “I like it when the guys ask because it’s less nerve-racking on my end.” This change in who asks who to the dance may be a little scary or feel odd. However, the concept of rearranging stereotypes is very exciting, so girls, I encourage you to get out there and make your own Sadies proposal!
The Sadies Formal took months of planning, and after speaking with Dr. Hough, she informed me that the student council wanted the dance to be unique from Homecoming and Prom. She also stated that they had lots of fun planning, and it took around five months to achieve everything they wanted the dance to become.
Something extraordinary about this dance is the inclusivity it offers! For students with sensory issues or concerns or even those who do not like a big crowd, the dance opens as early as 5PM. These students are able to attend the dance but with quieter music and a crowd that is less overwhelming. The dance is also open a bit earlier, so families can attend with their students!
Overall, the Sadies Formal will a great event! Tickets cost $10 at the door, and cash and card are both accepted. There will be a live DJ as well as awesome lights! Anybody attending should expect to have a great time, and enjoy this special season of love!