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Hempfield High School's Student Newspaper

The Flash

  • January 15WINTER FORMAL on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH at 6:00 PM
Hempfield High School's Student Newspaper

The Flash

Hempfield High School's Student Newspaper

The Flash

Leo Gonzalez

Leo Gonzalez, Writer

Grade: Sophomore

Fun Facts: I am a brother to 3 siblings, I play many instruments, & on my days off I love a good game of Minecraft

Why did I join the HHS Flash? I thought it sounded super cool to be a part of. It’s nice to document and speak on controversial topics in a way that people my age will understand.

What am I looking forward to most as a member of the newspaper? I’m so excited for the cool story ideas I get to draft up & produce!

All content by Leo Gonzalez
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